5 Healthy Foods You Should Eat

5 Healthy Foods You Should Eat

5 healthy foods you should eat. If you are fat, you tend to think of your diet as a ruin. Because of this, dieters have no fat or are concentrated in low-fat foods. 5 healthy foods you should eat. According to data from the International Food Information Board, on average, 67 percent of people try to eat as little fat as possible.


Contrary to this popular belief, however, there are some fatty foods that are good for your health. These fats last longer and reduce your appetite for carbohydrates and sugars. It also has the effect of maintaining, repairing and healing the body’s cells and fighting inflammation. The Wall St. Cheat Sheet, an American economic medium, introduced five types of foods that should be eaten, although they are high-fat foods.



 should never be placed outside the eggs counted in the diet protein report. Egg whites usually contain less fat than yolks, so I think they are healthier. But the main nutrients are in the yolk.


Eggs contain 5 grams of fat, of which approximately 1.5 grams of saturated fat are known as bad fats. Eggs are rich in choline, a component of the vitamin B complex that is needed to regulate the brain, nervous system and cardiovascular system.

5 healthy foods you should eat


salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines, tuna, etc. They are fatty fish. However, this fat is called omega-3 fatty acid and has a healthy effect. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart disease, depression, dementia, and arthritis. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids at least twice a week.


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Avocado halves also contain 15 g of fat. However, 10 g is a healthy monounsaturated fat that improves cholesterol levels. Studies have shown that foods rich in monounsaturated fats prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat. Avocados also contain antioxidants and more than 20 vitamins and minerals, which are good for your health.


Almonds and walnuts

Almonds and walnuts are representative of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and fiber. Almonds and walnuts have a lasting feeling of satiety and help suppress appetite. Almonds are nuts with fewer calories and are good foods for dieting.


Olive oil

reduces the risk of heart disease, as it contains fats rich in monounsaturated fats and total cholesterol, which reduces levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). It also helps regulate insulin and blood sugar levels.

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